THE UTILITY BREEDS CLUB OF GAUTENG Under judge Mr Jose Luiz Cunha De Vasconseles from Brazil on 14 May 2017
NORTHERN TSHWANE KENNEL CLUB 2 under judge Ms Natasha Baxter on 14 May 2017
Waldgroender Double Dublin took
- CC dog
- best of breed
- and best junior
- and went on to win best junior in group
Fearless Flame took
- RCC Dog
- Reserve Best of Breed
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts took CC Bitch
Waldgroender Iron Maiden took
- RCC bitch
- and reserve best SA Bred in Group
Thank you for thinking highly of our dogs
NORTHERN TSHWANE KENNEL CLUB 1 under judge Mr Pedro Gonzalez Teja from Guatemala on 13 May 2017
NORTHERN TSHWANE FCI INTERNATIONAL under judge Mrs Liz Ballington on 12 May 2017
South African Bulldog Championship show under specialist judge Tony Darmanin from the U.K. 6 May 2017
Waldgroender Silver arrow won CC dog (double point)
- best junior in show
- and BEST IN SHOW ( at his first show since he was a baby puppy )
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts won CC bitch ( double point )
Waldgroender Elegant Bentley won best neutered in show
Fearless Flame won best SA Bred in show and Rcc
Wow what a day !!!!!
ORION KENNEL CLUB under judge Caroline Gilmour from South Africa
WESTERN GAUTENG KENNEL CLUB (1) Under judge Virginia Lyne from Canada 15 April 2017
WESTERN GAUTENG KENNEL CLUB (2) Under judge Jocelyne Cagne from Canada 14 April 2017
Joelee Davie Cooper at Sarrdavbullies took his first CC ! His movement was to die for !
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts took CC bitch
Waldgroender Double Dublin took best Junior and 3rd in the junior group
To the judge We would like to say thank you for the pure way she enjoyed interacting with the dogs ! A friendly hello , and a "that's a good boy " all through the group ! It was a pleasure showing under you ! And thank you for thinking highly of our dogs
WITWATERSRAND KENNEL CLUB championship show under judge Ms Kerryn Harvey from Australia
TRANSVAAL MIDLANDS KENNEL CLUB under Judge Mr Douglas Sidebottom from Austrailia 25 March 2017
Waldgroender Double Dublin won CC dog , Best junior ,Reserve best of breed then junior utility group and finaly reserve best Junior in show ( under judge Mrs Thora Brown from Canada )
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts won the CC Bitch
We would like to thank the judges for thinking highly of our dogs . It was a pleasure showing under such knowledgeable judges
THE JUNIOR KENNEL CLUB OF GAUTENG championship show under judge Ms Suzanne Beinke (Australia) 19 March 2017
Joelee Davie Cooper at Sarrdavbullies took his second RCC in just as many show weekends
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts did it again and won the CC bitch
Thank you for thinking highly of our dogs , talking to you it's clear you know a Bulldog
VEREENIGING & DISTRICTS KENNEL CLUB – under Judge Mr T. Hiscock 18 March 2017
Fearless Flame Won CC Dog
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts won the Bitch CC
For the best of breed lineup the judge had 3 generations of the same bloodline competing. This shows he had type and this in a judge is important, constantly looking for the same attributes, and not jumping from one type to another. Type is endless!
Thank you sir for thinking highly of our dogs , it was a pleasure showing under you
SA LADIES KENNEL CLUB 2 – under Judge Nikola Smolić from Croatia
Today at we had a good day once again . thank you for thinking highly of our dogs
Waldgroender Double Dublin took best puppy and reserve best puppy in group
Waldgroender Ace of Hearts won rcc bitch
Joelle Davie Cooper At Sarrdavbullies Imp UK won rcc in his first show weekend in South Africa
NTKC 2 ON 15 MAY 2016 – under Judge Adolfo Martinez Noguere of Spain
- WALDGROENDER ACE OF HEARTS took best junior RCC and later went on to 2nd in the junior group
- FEARLESS FLAME OF WALDGROENDER won the open class and then RCC
- It was a pleasure to show under him, he was very thorough going over the dogs , it's been a long time since I seen a judge inspecting the heads and mouths the way he did , the proper get your hands wet way !
NTKC FCI SHOW 13 MAY – under Mrs Ladawan Chothithada from Thailand
Today's results under Mrs Ladawan Chothithada from Thailand
- Raging Storm of Waldgroender been awarded RESERVE CACIB and was rated excellent
- Waldgroender Ace of Hearts was awarded best Junior and was also rated excellent
- Fearless Flame of Waldgroender also rated excellent
- May Time Girl of Waldgroender also rated excellent
- Misty moon of Waldgroender also rated excellent
- This means all dogs entered by Waldgroender was rated excellent. We got very good critiques on all our dogs , going on about good heads , beautiful ear set , and very good strong movement